House Deals Obama Symbolic Blow With Libya Votes
By JENNIFER STEINHAUER NYT June 24, 2011 The House of Representatives dealt a symbolic blow to President Obama on Friday by resoundingly failing to approve a bill authorizing the contentious military...
Editor’s Note: Without question, Barack Obama came out of the political gate faster than any man in history, sporting a flashy rainbow stripe and pumped up with that political steroid we now as “Hope...
View ArticleBREAKING MEDIA RANKS: Rachel Maddow Slams Obama For Extrajudicial Killing Of...
By Josey WalesBefore It’s NewsA confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational...
View ArticleKerry talks economics, finds Morsi preoccupied with Islamizing Egypt
DebkaWhen visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry sat one-on-one with Egyptian President Morsi in Cairo, Sunday, March 3, he talked at length about Egypt’s calamitous economic straits, relations...
View ArticleJohn Kerry Prepping for War? US Sec. of State tells Iraq to close airspace...
21st Century Wire says… John Kerry’s “kinder, gentler” foreign policy mission is now underway, as it appears that he’s prepping the region for war by pressuring the Iraqi government to shut down its...
View Article(VIDEO) Chief Mark Kessler Fires Warning Shots at John Kerry’s U.N. Gun Treaty
21st Century Wire says…Why are unelected US political officers sneaking around American sovereignty in order to sign UN treaties that nullify US laws?Secretary of State John Kerry has been busy signing...
View ArticleWide Awake: ‘Designer democracy’ is rejected by global awakening over Syria
Shawn HeltonAssociate Editor21st Century Wire There has been a massive awakening sweeping across the globe, much bigger than the NGO funded “Arab Spring” headed by the National Endowment for Democracy,...
View ArticleThe Idiot Savant Speaks: Kerry insists latest US raid in Libya is ‘legal’,...
21st Century Wire says…It’s hard to know where to start with this man – we’ve marveled at his fearless, albeit, epic failure in pitching a war in Syria this past August, September. We thought, ‘can...
View ArticleSacré bleu! French Outrage Over NSA Phone Tapping, John Kerry Confused and Upset
21st Century Wire says…Only a month and a half ago, dedicated francophile US Secretary of State John Kerry and French President François Hollande were beaming with excitement, as they shared a warm...
View ArticleConfirmed: Obama Lied About ‘Assad’s government gassing to death over a...
21st Century Wire says…This latest revelation only confirms what this independent website and others were saying at the time on the alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus in August 2013. We knew...
View ArticleLessons from Iraq: Modern War is West ‘attacking countries who can’t fight back’
Going Underground on RT21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen goes underground with Afshin Rattansi on the lessons drawn from the Iraq war on the 11th anniversary of the Coalition’s bombardment of...
View ArticleWebster Tarpley: Iran Deal Is World Historic Moment
21st Century Wire says…It took almost two year of intense talks, but a deal has finally be reached.In this episode of Press TV‘s The Debate, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley explains why exactly the Iran...
View ArticlePolitical Genius: How a Weaker Iran Got The Hegemon to Lift Sanctions
21st Century Wire says…This is international relations 101.Iran managed to achieve what many thought would be impossible this week, by getting all sanctions lifted from the country and international...
View ArticleU-Turn? Kerry Now Says: ‘U.S. NOT Seeking Regime Change in Syria’
21st Century Wire says… Surely, this is important news – but if you live in the United States, you wouldn’t know it ever happened. US Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Moscow earlier this week...
View ArticleKerry’s Lunacy: ‘US Would Be Justified Shooting Down Unarmed Russian Jets’
21st Century Wire says… As 21WIRE reported yesterday, imperial bureaucrats in Washington and their court scribes in the mainstream media propaganda industry – continue the charade of the Roman mindset,...
View Article21WIRE’s Week in Review: 16 APR 2016 Edition
21st Century Wire says… A review of all the Top Stories from this week – for your consideration. Syrian Elections 2016: US, NATO Criminals, Liars & Hypocrites' Failed Attempt to Deny the Will of...
View ArticleBreaking: Obama to Announce Major US Escalation in Syria
Daniel McAdams Ron Paul Institute The Wall Street Journal is reporting that tomorrow (Monday) President Obama will announce that he is quintupling the number of US troops inside Syria. From the...
View ArticleSyria: Is Aleppo the “Smoking Gun” that will Precipitate a US Proxy War...
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky Global Research US-NATO is not prepared to let go in Syria. While the US sponsored Al Qaeda and ISIS rebels have largely been defeated, with the support of Russia, Iran and...
View ArticleSyria: Is America Really Interested in Ending The Conflict?
21st Century Wire says… The great debate continues. Is the US really interested in ending the conflict in Syria? In the following episode of CrossTalk, a panel debates this very question and asks why...
View ArticleSyria: US, NATO Terrorist Suicide Bombers Massacre Civilians in Coastal Towns
Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire “We forgot what is to wake up to sunshine in this land now we wake up to limbs all over the streets, to cries of fear, to the smell of blood..” ~ Shababeek Souria This...
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